Mother's Day

What goes on Inside a Mom’s Heart?

What goes on Inside a Mom's Heart

A mother’s heart is pure gold. There’s nothing as beautiful as a mother’s heart, which is filled with unconditional affection, care, and devotion. No matter how strict a mom appears from outside, inside, there is only love and compassion for her children. 

A mother is someone who knows her children inside out. Even if you don’t talk to your mom about things that bother you, she can very well notice them in your actions. And there’s no problem too big that a mother cannot solve.

Have you ever wondered what goes on inside a mother’s heart? Like, how she handles everything so well? How does she keep giving to her kids without expecting anything in return? Or how come she never stops loving her kids? Not even for a fraction of seconds. Let us give you a sneak peek into a mother’s pure heart through some beautiful scribbles.

Bachce kha le, fir kha lungi

Bachce kha le, fir kha lungi

No matter how hungry she is, a mother never eats before her kids do. Even when you come back home late at night, your mom waits for your arrival and only eats after serving dinner to you.

Goa jaane ka mann to mera bhi hai kabhi dekha he nahi lekin uska girls trip hai koi nhn

Goa jaane ka mann to mera bhi hai kabhi dekha he nahi lekin uska girls trip hai koi nhn

A mother often sacrifices her desires for her children. At times, she may yearn for some quality time with her friends. But a mother would never want her children to make sacrifices for her happiness. As usual, she keeps her children before everything else in the whole world.  

Lagta hai mood kharab hai. Kal bataungi, that I found a job after 20 years

Lagta hai mood kharab hai. Kal bataungi, that I found a job after 20 years

Even if a mother has some good news to share, she won’t do it when she notices her children are not in a good mood. She always waits for a better time and favourable situation to share the joy with her kids.

For all moms and all the loving motherly figures in your life, make this Mother’s day awesome for them by surprising them with a perfect Mother’s day gift!

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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