
The Relation Between Conversations & Gifting

Conversation & gifting

At times the most difficult obstacle we face while gifting is to decide what to gift? I for one always find myself wondering about it. The gift needs to be suited to the occasion, needs to be according to the likes of the recipient, and is meaningful to them. It is so difficult to find “The Perfect Gift.” And it is really important to find the perfect gift for your loved ones because there is a pressure- a pressure to make sure that the gift says “I know you really well.”

I am not really great when it comes to gifting. Half of the time I wonder what to gift and the other half I am wondering if I made the right decision. At times, I ask the other person what do they want or if they have created a gift list? Sure, that is one bulletproof way to give a perfect gift but that eliminates the surprise element. The person already knows what the gift is and I won’t be able to see that expression of amazement on their face. Then what is that unique way to give the perfect gift without asking the other person what they want? 

The answer lies in Recollecting Your Conversations with your loved ones:

I learned the art of quintessential gifting when it was my best friend’s birthday. It was her 25th birthday and I wanted it to be perfect. I had made all the arrangements for the party from the guest list to the food menu, everything was decided. The only unresolved question was “What Do I Gift Her?” 

Imagine arranging a party for 50 people, yet unable to decide on what to gift? I wouldn’t have been worried if it was someone else. It was my best friend and she is one person who hardly likes anything. She is choosy and not materialistic at all. Buying a gift for her seemed like a gigantic task. I was planning a surprise party with her parents which is why I really couldn’t ask her what does she want, it would ruin the surprise.

Do I gift her makeup? She doesn’t wear makeup. Do I gift her Clothes? She really wouldn’t like my choice. Do I gift her shoes? Oh, she’ll surely beat me up with those. 

Every time I came near to a decision, I immediately imagined her reaction. I had to give her multiple gifts, after all, it was her 25th Birthday.

That’s when it hit me, she told me 2 weeks back that she had been dealing with a lot of stress at work and wanted to take a spa. So gift number 1- Voucher to a Spa.

And as I started thinking, it came to me naturally. One week back, she told me that she wanted to read “Miracles Happen by Dr Brian Weiss” and I had my 2nd gift.  

Last month, when we were sitting in my room she complained that my room had more pictures of us than her room so 3rd gift- A picture of us framed. 

And without a doubt, the nerd loves plants, so my 4th gift was ready- a plant. Apart from these things, of course, I was her gift!

For the first time in my life it took me 5 minutes to make a decision, that too a decision which concerned gifting. 

It was finally her birthday. The party was a huge success and after everyone went home, she decided to open her gifts. She chose to open my gifts in the last because she was sure I would have gifted her something weird, as this year I didn’t ask her. As she started opening my gifts, her smile grew bigger. When she was done, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said “You really do know me” and hugged me.

That is when I learnt, gifting is not tough. You can pick the most flawless gift for someone just by recollecting trivial conversations that you had with them at some point in time. If you recall a conversation, you will be able to select the most thoughtful gift for them.

About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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