It was a regular cold evening. The cars were passing by the traffic was on the full swing the soft breeze was caressing the dried leave the sky was turning to gold as the sun was going to rest! It surely was a regular day till the time I found you walking across the aisle. It wasn’t a regular day anymore! As you walked up to me, I didn’t know that a story was about to begin. A beautiful story where the hero romance her lady in the woods and the cascading beauty of the world surround them as if nothing else would ever matter. The most beautiful story of my life was starting right in front of my eyes and I was unaware.
Seems like the allure was in the very feeling that I was unaware you were unaware of what the destiny had in store for us! Moving ahead, the first “hey” that you said and I was almost halfway in love with you. I replied,
“hey”! And the conversation begun, I wished to have never ended. You were such a lovely company to spend time and share thoughts with. Was it a date??? I wonder! It was when I recall the sight of me subtly staring at you and the way you gazed back into my eyes and pierced my heart. Just like the evening, the coffee shop too turned into one of the most beautiful things around me. Sip by sip, we were falling for each other falling deep and deep that I will call it drowning rather!
The moments were electric enough to even give me jitters writing about it and making my fingers shiver right now! We absolutely had no clue about what the coming days were bringing for us. God, we had no time for thinking about the future, all we had running in our minds was one another. Our minds were dancing with each other and the heartbeats were falling in sync and creating a strange yet melodious tune that the two of us could only listen to.
Before bidding good bye, while walking down the well lit corridors of the Connaught Place market, I noticed the chocolates gifts that you brought along with you as a sweet gesture. And to baffle you, I refused to take them. Come on, it was my right to make your mind ponder over my behaviour and think more and more about me. Quite clever of me, isn’t it???
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