Have you ever felt like having everything and yet feeling empty? This could be a possible sign of the disturbed state of mind. So, to begin with, let’s first know what mental health is.
10th October – It’s World Mental Health day today. Mental health refers to one’s psychological, behavioral, and emotional well-being. Mental health is about how an individual thinks & reacts. In layman’s language, the absence of any mental disorder is what mental health is. Whereas, mental health is not just about the absence of any mental disorder. Mental health is a person’s ability to cope up with life, work productively & bring in contributions to his life and community. Mental illnesses are as real and risky as cancer, diabetes or any other diseases. There can be anything that could affect an individual’s mental health. Hence, it is important to know what can affect mental health.
Few Factors Affecting Mental Health:
- Biological Factors:
Biological factors refer to situations that arose in childhood while growing up or it could occur since birth. These generally consist of genetic alterations or accidental situations while in labor. There is hardly any cure to such mental disorders but definite precautions to be considered. Such mental disorders last a lifetime.
- Self-esteem:
We’re living in a time where there’s an outbreak on low self-esteem. There are various factors impacting self-esteem. It may have led on from early years to adulthood or it is affecting after adolescence. Relationship breakdown or financial troubles can negatively impact someone’s self-esteem leading to mental illnesses.
- Family issues:
Family issues cover all the situations that a family faces. From financial to emotional, broken marriages to loss of family members – all these factors can affect an individual’s mentality. Sometimes difficult family situations can cause an everlasting negative impact on a child’s behavior. If social and emotional development is adversely affected, or if difficult feelings that occur in the early years are not resolved, then a person may develop patterns of behavior and coping strategies that increase the risk of mental health difficulties in adolescence or adulthood.
Signs Of Mental Health Deterioration:
With all these certain factors affecting psychiatric health, there are also signs of deteriorating mental or emotional health to look for. Changes in behavior & feelings are definitely the most important sign. Disturbance in eating & sleeping pattern has to be an alarming sign, not just with mental or emotional health but as well as physical. Having low energy, pulling away from the social circle, feeling hopeless and experiencing severe mood swings in relationships are major signs to consider. Mental hazards sound as bad as physical health issues or even worse. If early signs or symptoms are being ignored. There’s a huge possibility of these signs dragging an individual towards depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, mood disorders, bipolar disorder or various mental disorders. And thus, regulating the mental well-being is just as important.
Ways To Ensure Your Mental Well-Being:
- Seeking professional help and reaching out to someone you trust is never a shame and one must never hesitate!
- Getting physically active, developing coping skills and meditation are few steps to attain a positive mental health.
- Tell yourself something positive. Research shows that how you think about yourself can have a powerful effect on how you feel.
- Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good emotional health and deal with times when you feel troubled.
Maintaining that mental well-being is crucial to living a long & healthy life. We just need to soak up in the joy we already have. Trying to be optimistic, not ignoring the uglier parts of life but focusing on the positive is another way to have a positive effect on your mental health. So, always remember that safeguarding your Mental Health is important.
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