In school we used to study that Dusshera means ‘Light over darkness’, ‘Good over evil’, ‘Hope over despair’ and ‘Knowledge over Ignorance’ and so many stories and beliefs to go with it. At that time, I could never understand the significance of this festival, other than visiting cheerful fairs, eating delicious food and riding on swings.
When I was around 10 years old, I met a girl of almost my age, who was the daughter of my new maid. Though she looked like one of us, but she was completely different. She lived in a small shack, never visited a school, never ever seen a movie, never worn a new cloth, had so many bruises here and there and the list of our differences got lengthy as we became friends.
One day, I asked her that why she does not go to school and she simply replied that her father takes away all the money from her mother, beats both of them and does not allow her to go to school. Feeling her pain, I decided to help her and went straightaway to my parents and shared everything with them.
My parents did whatever they could for both of them and got my friend admitted in a school. After her school’s first day, she came to me and hugged me with tears in her eyes. She was happy and so was her mother. It was that day when I actually understood the true meaning of Dusshera. Dusshera is not only to kill the evil, it is to identify the good in you and let it come out for others.