Franchise business is lucrative where you can be your own boss, have an already established brand name, and also get technical assistance from the team of experts. Ferns N Petals – is a brand that has remained strong for 25 years. We have the largest network of franchisees in India and there is a reason behind it. Ferns N Petals provide all the required support to build a franchise business. We trust in you and we provide you with the required expertise to begin the business. So, if you want to work for your own self, then we have the best business opportunity for you.
Going by the records, the franchise outlets of Ferns N Petals are increasing every year. Currently, we have close to 300 outlets in India and we are working to expand this number to 500 by 2020. There are many people across the length & breadth of India who has been associated with us through our franchise business. We bring to you their success stories to make you understand what this business is all about. So, we have decided to get up & close with some of our successful franchise owners.
We had a candid chat with one of our franchise in Bengaluru owned by Mr. Vinod & Mr. Santosh. They have been with us since 2015. With just 4 years in the run, they have opened 3 stores in Bengaluru. They have many more things to share with you all. Here is an excerpt of our conversation with Mr. Vinod & Mr. Santosh.
Q: How long have you been associated with Ferns N Petals franchise business?
Vinod: We have been with FNP Franchise business since 2015. So, it’s been 4 years now – seems just like yesterday though!
Q: Have you always wanted to be a businessman?
Vinod & Santosh: Both of us had our own business ventures earlier. So, starting this franchise business with FNP is not our debut to this world of business. We know the nitty-gritty details of this world already. Therefore, this franchise was like an extension of our business empire.
Q: Before starting this franchise business, what else have you done?
Vinod: As stated earlier, I was managing a consulting business. I also worked in the corporate world.
Q: How did you come to know about FNP or who introduced you to FNP Franchise business?
Santosh: I met a franchisee sales person who told me about FNP franchise. We contacted them, met them, and became a franchise business owner – yes, it was pretty much simple.
Q: How much did you actually invest in this business?
Vinod & Santosh (Smiling coyly): We would like to skip this question.
Q: How long did it take you to recover the investment?
Vinod & Santosh: Well, it is a bit complicated to answer you as we have opened multiple stores and some of the profits have been ploughed back into business for expansion.
Q: Give a rough image of your current profit or income. Is that what you expected?
Vinod: Without giving you an exact figure, yes, the profit is somewhat we expected. So, all is really well here!
Q: What kind of support did you receive from Ferns N Petals?
Santosh: Ferns N Petals is a powerful brand and we have received immense aid from them. The brand name, manpower, technical expertise, raw materials at an affordable price, and also cushioning through e-commerce – Ferns N Petals has provided us with lot many things.
Q: Did the training provided by FNP help you in dealing with day to day challenges at work?
Vinod: Yes, very much! In fact, without that FNP training, I cannot imagine crossing the initial worries or risks when we started. It definitely sharpened us a lot.
Santosh: I would like to say both Yes & No. The reason for Yes is already shared by Vinod. Without training, many things would have been hazy. The answer is also a NO because no matter how great you are trained, you cannot skip the lessons learned right on the field. So, on a day to day basis, even the smallest challenges of not finding a tape or a ribbon or delay of the delivery truck helped at least me in refining myself.
Q: How long do you spend in your shop?
Vinod & Santosh (Both Chuckle): Well, see, it is not a 9-6 job after all. For both of us actually, it is like our second home. So, more than just full-time is the answer to your question.
Santosh: Or maybe, it is home. During the peak time of the year (Valentine’s Week), we couldn’t manage to go home also for two days.
Q: How has your life changed with this franchise business?
Vinod: Life has not changed drastically though. But yes, I spend more time here in our shop than with my family. So, sometimes, I feel guilty too. But such is life, after all, you really have to run after your goals to achieve them.
Santosh: I agree with him. Also, I would like to add that, today, we have a clearer view of running a retail business. This FNP Franchise business actually built that confidence inside.
Q: Where do you see yourself in the coming 5 years?
Vinod & Santosh (With sparks in their eyes): Whooo! That’s a long list though. We aim to be the largest and the best partner for Ferns N Petals in India.
Santosh: Oh yes, we also want the “Best NPS” rank amongst all FNP outlets. We also want to be the “most sought after place” for people to work. That may take a bit more than just 5 years, but, we are okay with all the required hard work.
Q: Share one of the happiest moments that you or your team have experienced while serving a customer
Santosh: Oh! That happens almost every single day. The best or the happiest moment is definitely the one when a customer says that no one can ever make what you guys make and keep coming back to us.
Q: Share one of the weirdest demands that any customer has ever made to you
Vinod: None that I can think of right now.
Q: Define Success in a sentence
Vinod: Success is happiness
Q: What would be your advice to those people who want to take up the FNP franchise model of business?
Vinod: Always be sure before you get into a business. Therefore, you must as yourself millions of times “do you have the hunger, time, & dedication to build and manage the business?”
Santosh: See, there cannot be any short cut to success except hard work and commitment. So, this business would require a lot of you. So, basically, this business is not for the part-timers.
Click here to know more about the Bengaluru Store
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