She is revered in confined temples and beaten behind the closed doors. Her voice is louder than anything but not audible to deaf ears. She is tagged with various fancy and phony adjectives and taken as a subject of scorn when transformed into a rebel. She is evolving Indian Goddesses, a seasonal phenomenon of worship and respect. Her story is almost same across the globe. However, India being a prominent patriarchal society offers her a defined secondary place in important decisions, relations and intelligence. The fashion had to change, so it is changing gradually. She is emerging as an independent and a resilient woman who is all set to tarnish the old rituals and take a plunge into herself. Â The liberals call this a negative western influence while a few orthodox ghettos pity on these fallen women. But does she really care? Care about myopic Indian society and its bigoted way of treating women where people still raise their eyebrows when they see her smoking and look down upon her when she enjoys a glass of wine with her friends or family.
Her raising voice is so silent that it needs be felt not just heard. Fortunately, she making it audible enough by crossing the invisible boundaries of those gagged ears. The voice is finding its way out, if not their callous hearts, then certainly hitting their bizarre brains. This made them so fidgety and frightened so they retorted to this radical movement and warned her to save her destroying purity. But is she really losing it? It’s time for her to step out of the small circle of feudal mentality and fly on her own terms and find her own direction though the hidden skies. She denies being owned because she is neither a property nor a commodity. She has no regrets because she has chosen this path for her and she ought to follow her heart. From poor to rich, philosopher to farmer and young to old, the Indian goddess is renouncing the cliched shelters and emerging as a human but without losing her natural traits. She is still engulfed with immense love and compassion for the world around her.
She is self-proclaimed and able to vanquish the hurdles of obsolete behaviors. All she needs a little support and appreciation which adds a fuel in fire and strengthens her relentless struggle to make her presence felt. She needs a helping hand that she can hold when she is tired and a tight hug that rejuvenates her and keeps her going forward. She is not looking for devotees but respectful eyes that make her feel meaningful. She is like that little butterfly grappling to come out of her cocoon who doesn’t want you to cut the cocoon to make it easy for her but indeed desires the soft touch which gives her confidence that she is required to make this world more beautiful. Let’s make it easy for her by supporting and respecting what she thinks and create a conducive environment for her to become an opportunist and fulfil her dreams because she is very special for all of us.
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