Mother's Day

7 Signs that you’re a Modern Mom

Modern mom! The title itself makes one think what it even means. What’s so different that a modern mom does from a traditional one? It’s less about what she does and more about how she does it. For starters, she uses technology to her advantage. Being a modern mom, you prefer to text your youngster when he is just upstairs instead of calling out his name at the top of your lungs. More quirky signs follow:

You’re quite regular on Instagram

Posting pictures on Instagram with your babies & friends is a part of your schedule. You also know the power of well-edited pics, and that’s why before reaching other people’s feed, all your pictures go through a long process of editing.

You follow Pinterest for trending ideas

Because, why not. The colourful world of Pinterest has always best to offer, be it décor ideas, recipes, craft or outfit inspiration. 

You know how to take legit selfies

You’re so good at taking legit selfies that sometimes you beat your kids at it. And yes, you are the official selfie taker of your gang.

You send cool digital gifts

You’re quite tech-savvy and know how to make the best use of technology. When it comes to gifting, you prefer digital gifts that are super cool & long-lasting. Also, delivery is not an issue with digital gifts & they always make it in time on holidays & special occasions.

Your kitchen is full of organic, gluten-free foods

Being a modern mom comes with a lot of responsibility. And no one understands it better than you. That’s why your pantry is always full of nutritious food & snacks. You know the difference between vegetarian & vegan.

Netflix & Chill is your mood for weekends

You understand that in order to keep others happy, you should feel happy from inside. Therefore, after a long week of dealing with office woes and taking care of everyone in the family, you use weekends to pamper yourself. With a bowl of popcorn & ice-cream in hand, you prefer to binge-watch your favourite shows & movies on Netflix.

Your kids have iPhones & iPads

You understand the importance of being tech-savvy in the 21st century. And that’s why your kids are familiar with how to operate iPhones & iPads. It is not just to make your kids feel superior but to keep them updated with the latest technology for their personal growth. 

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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