Gifts Love & Romance

10 Weird Places where you can meet your Soul Mate in Today’s Time


Love indeed happens to you when you are least expecting it. Gone are the days when people used to sit and wait for their partners to arrive on a white horse or palanquin. In the 21st century, love just happens in a fraction of seconds and you may end up meeting your life partner in the weirdest places.

Check those unexpected places where you may end up with your lover:

During train journeys:


Who knows the small conversations in your long train journeys, silent glances during local train journeys, or while waiting for metros – you may find that “special person” in your life.

While waiting for the bus:


Maybe one day while waiting for your bus you might find that person of your dreams approaching you and asking about the next bus (and you know your love bus has arrived).

While grooving in music festivals:

music festivals

There is nothing more awesome than finding a partner with the same taste of music. So, keep grooving and meeting new people- you may find the ONE.

While you are praying in a temple:


Maybe this was His plan for you – to find a suitor right in front of his eyes.

When you are busy exploring a new place:


Maybe you have never thought that this “friends all” trip is going to get a Raj for a Simran or vice-versa. So, never say no to trips.

While killing time at the airport lounge:

airport lounge

You never know the most boring times may end up gifting you the most memorable episode of your life. So, turn your neck around…

While having food:


Are you sure yummy food was the only treat to your eyes in the restaurant? Look up, there a cute girl or handsome boy also in your vicinity.

While watching love-story on screen:

movie theater

It may be possible that while the story is unfolding on screen, you may be forming a new one with the one sitting right next to you.

While romancing the books:


Kitaabe bahut si padhi hongi tumne…. Now leave them and read the pretty faces around. You might meet that one.

While swapping Tinder profiles:


You never know how a small right swipe may change your life forever.

About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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