Valentines Day

10 Things you should avoid doing on Valentine’s Day

10 things you should not do on Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is a special day. It is the day when the whole world is busy celebrating love and romance with their “special someone”. They say that love defies all rules but when it comes to the celebration of Valentine’s Day with someone you met for the first time or someone whom you are seeing for the last 2 years, there is definitely a list of things that you should avoid doing.

Check the list below and spend a romantic day with your significant other.

A gift from ‘Guess’ Who?

guess who gifted

Be it a guy or a girl – no one would appreciate your guessing game seriously. If you happen to like someone, have the courage to write your name at the end of the love letter or flower bouquets or gifts. If you send an anonymous gift, believe me, you don’t stand any chance to be with this person you like.

Buying Gift Vouchers or Gift Cards

gift cards

The whole idea of celebrating 14th February is to enhance love and romance in your life. Buying a gift voucher or gift card shouts out “I don’t have the time to go through so many options or I don’t really know what you want”. Don’t do this because that will show your lack of care and compassion in your relationship.

Are you going to Propose? Wait…No

Dont propose

Don’t get swayed by the romantic vibe of the day and pop the question with a ring in your hand while on your knees. Just enjoy the whole fun-feeling of this day and save this idea of proposing for a later date. Especially people go to fancy restaurants on this day and if you also happen to go there you will find many such couples doing this “proposal” and that will eat up your exclusivity.

No X, Y, or Z Story Please

Tired bored girl sitting and drinking coffee

It is ok to have multiple romantic relationships in life but Valentine’s Day is not the day to recollect those memories. The other person with whom you have gone out will judge you and your involvement in this current relationship. It will also give the impression that you are still not over with those relationships.

Don’t Promise or Overpromise

dont promise

Maybe you are going out for the first time with him/her and thus this is not the right time to promise something. Just get to know each other and keep your conversations light-hearted.

Please Don’t Cry


If this 14th February is going to be your first date and the person surprises you with a mind-blowing gift, hugs you, or kisses you – please don’t cry. You can keep the tears of joy for later because crying at a public place makes the other one feel awkward.

Don’t drink out of Nervousness

dont drink

Don’t drink until you are confident enough. If you are nervous, have some juice or water and take a few deep breaths. If you start drinking out of nervousness and drink a bit more, then, there are chances that you will not leave a good impression on the other person. You may end up talking too much, crying, and making a fool out of yourself.

Don’t invite your single friend

don't invite single frieds

It may sound a bit rude or selfish, but in case you have any single friend, please don’t carry him/her to your Valentine Date. This day is special and it is meant for you and your “love interest” only.

Don’t say Valentine’s Day is a Waste of Time

no valentine's day

We all know that Valentine’s Day is a special day of love and romance and with commercialisation, the glamour of this day has just enlarged. But when you have gone out with someone you like and love, never say out loud about your views. It may make them feel less important.

Don’t dump

break up

It is ok to lose interest in your partner and to realise that both of you want different things from life. But remember that Valentine’s Day is not the right time to break up with your partner. It may scar them for life. Do that a couple of days before or after.

About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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