Raising kids is no cakewalk. Once someone becomes a parent, the tiny newborn turns their whole life upside down. Raising a child comes with a lot of responsibilities. Being a parent, you cannot afford to make any mistake. You have to ensure that you make a good human out of your child. But there are times when you cannot be completely honest with your kids. You have to tell white lies every now and then to keep your children on their best behaviour.
Sharing a list of white lies that every 90s kid in India grew up with. We are sure all the 90s born would relate.
A red spot will appear on your forehead if you lie.
Drinking tea will make your complexion dark.
Eating chocolate causes tooth decay.
If you swallow chewing gum, it would grow into a gum tree in your stomach.
If you don’t wash your hands and feet before sleeping, you’ll have scary dreams.
When you asked for a new toy- toys are for babies, you’re a grown-up person.
About injections- they don’t hurt. (It hurts like hell)
If you don’t drink milk, your teeth would fall off.
How babies are made? Children are the gifts of God.
The green vegetables are really delicious- just try them once.
If you don’t complete your homework on time, Santa won’t bring you any gifts for Christmas.
Watching TV for a long time will weaken your eye-sight.
If you don’t behave, you’ll be sent off to boarding school.
Cartoon serials are not broadcasted at night, you can only watch them during the day.
Saved the best for last- “Padhoge likhoge banoge nawab, kheloge kudoge toh hoge kharaab.”
And sometimes, just sometimes we end up believing these lies our entire life.