We all love to imitate our favorite Bollywood divas but just reel back to a time when we were struggling to drape an over-sized Saree around our tiny waist. We still weren’t ready with the placement of the Bindi, which usually went slightly off the center. When we could feel our ears sheer in capability to hold that big piece of jewelry but we somehow managed to tuck that in.
When managing the daily chores at our own teeny-weeny kitchen and making miniature Chappatis was our favorite task. When we took care of our Barbies like our own little daughters. When managing our false braided hair for hours was our favorite pass time. When sham scolding to our toys made us feel powerful than ever.
Our eyes always keep looking for her and we ensure that all the latest updates are being carefully noted and recorded in our memory so that we can follow her footprints as and when required. It is time for you to reward her for all the things which she has unknowingly taught you. She is your teacher, friend, philosopher and guide for all times to come.
We looked up to her to be the best at anything as she was our role model. And we did all of this not following any Bollywood diva but for a diva of all times, the bold and beautiful, our very own ‘Mothers’. Send her a unique Mother’s Day flowers online to make her believe that you cherish this emotional bond of motherhood with due love care and affection. As you walk through the journey of life, you will find her just two steps behind you, closely watching you and correcting you. No matter whatever we do, ‘Life is still beautiful’ just because we have her.