The festival of the year is knocking our door, and so is the danger of COVID-19. While we’re all set to welcome home happiness, the uninvited virus might climb your stairs if you don’t take necessary precautions in the festive season. But, not celebrating Diwali due to this situation does not stand a chance.
We agree that meeting friends and family and exchanging gifts by visiting each other is a NO-NO right now. But, there are enormous ways in which you can celebrate Diwali and feel much more satisfied than ever. Read further to know more about celebrating Diwali with a twist and making it #DeepavaliApniSi.
Donate Warm Clothes
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Winter is approaching, and so is the season of dressing up in our cute furry sweaters. While we love those warm clothes, some people cannot afford to buy basic clothes to cover their body properly during winters. This Diwali, spend on something that satisfies your soul and help people trust in the value of humanity. Donate winter clothes to underprivileged people around your locality and help them spend a safe and warm winter. You can pick out some winter clothes in your wardrobe and buy blankets, gloves, caps and shawls too. Encourage people to donate winter clothes and celebrate a soulful Diwali by donating stuff.
Cleanliness Drive – For Mind & Soul
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Diwali brings a cleaning marathon home. People clean their homes with much more enthusiasm. Additionally, in the view of the pandemic, we have been cautious about health and hygiene. So, this Diwali, let us indulge in a cleanliness drive around our house and try to clean the surrounding area too. Besides that, let us also wash out the negativity from our mind and celebrate a happier Diwali. And when you breathe in the fresh environment after your cleanliness drive, we are sure you will remember this Diwali for life.
Indulge in Digital Gifting
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The wave of digital gifting is spreading at a faster pace, and we can’t get enough of the unique gifts available online. The introduction of quirky digital gifting ideas has brought a new twist to our Diwali preparations. Rather than visiting your friends and family to give Diwali presents in this Corona time, send a digital Diwali gift. Creative gift ideas like Diwali posters, Guitarist On-Call, personalised digital sketches, Diwali videos, celebrity Diwali wishes, etc. will help you to surprise your near and dear ones for sure.
Give Away Masks, Sanitizers and Sweets
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Wearing a mask is the need of the hour. And still, some people do not have access to simple things. This Diwali, let us celebrate this festival by giving masks and sanitizers to the ones in need. As Diwali is all about sharing happiness and sweets, you can also give away small boxes of sweets to people along with masks and sanitizers.
Gift of Health to Self
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India is amongst the top 10 countries with the highest diabetes rate. Adding to this, one in every young five adults in our country is suffering from Blood Pressure fluctuations (commonly hypertension) due to deteriorating lifestyle and bad eating habits. While we are talking about celebrating Diwali with a twist, let us all consider giving a gift of health to ourselves and our family members by maintaining a good lifestyle and healthy eating habits. Small lifestyle changes can lead to bigger achievements and healthier life. Make a promise on Diwali to reduce the stress level, start walking more, wear a mask, improve diet and sleep schedule, get regular health check-ups for you and your family members and be happy.
All of us have been fighting the terror of Coronavirus for the past few months now. While the festive season is approaching, the pandemic conditions are not likely to change shortly. We hope that these tips will help you to celebrate your Diwali differently, just like #DeepavaliApniSi.