
 How Does Your Relationship With Your Siblings Evolve With Time?

 How Does Your Relationship With Your Siblings Evolve With Time

Ahh… siblings! They can be your best friends, worst enemies, your partners in crime, and a lot of things in between. But I am pretty much sure that no one could ever determine how we can love a person so much, yet want to kill them at the very next moment. After all, dealing with your sisters and brothers is, well, a little complicated.

Remember the times when you asked your mom, “why is he your favourite?” or when you saw your dad pampering your sister, who was supposedly picked up from the trash. These were the moments when you hated your siblings so much that you had to ask for justice. However, deep down, we all know how our mischievous yet adorable siblings have occupied a little room in our hearts since the very beginning. Okay, the moment of truth- a super spacious villa-like room.

Well, just like every other relationship, the one with siblings also evolves with time. We go through a lot of fights, drama, ups, and downs. And, of course, countless giggles through the various stages and ages.


The very first stage that plants a seed of affection in your heart is when you get introduced to each other. Though most of us can barely remember this moment, it is still very special. How instantly the elder becomes a superhero or a superwoman and the younger becomes the favourite toy. But as we grow older, this adorable phase gets over.

Now, your sibling’s cute antics seem more annoying and bizarre, and well, no one is a superhero any longer. And this is the same phase when the fight between sports channels and music channels are born. Can you actually count on your fingers the times you guys fought for that TV remote? Well, I don’t think so.


Have you ever wondered, how, despite the endless fights, this relationship starts to become the most precious one in our lives? Do you remember that moment when your annoying brother evolved into the most protective person? Or the one where your sister became your secret keeper while giving the best pieces of advice? Well, maybe, a possible answer to this is the empathy you guys share. Because you were brought up in the same house with obviously the same values.


Most siblings tend to have a love-hate relationship while growing up. But as we grow and blossom into our own special selves, our siblings do too. And it is just so special to have been there through each other’s toddler-to-young-adult journey. The selection in a sports team, first bad grade on the report card, bullying in school, first prize in the dance competition, that heartbreak you thought you’d never get over–our siblings literally see us in our best and worst.

Eventually, even if we stay away from our siblings, we are never apart. We can always hear a voice saying, “Don’t worry, I am always there for your” even in the most difficult times. From blaming each other for the broken glass to supporting each other when one feels broken, this is how the relationship with our siblings evolves for the best.


About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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