General Lifestyle New Year

8 Easy Tips To Make Your New Year Resolutions Work

New Year Resolution

With 2018 another year is going to end and become history. It means, you are again preparing for the year-end get-together with your comfort friends and relatives and also counting which goals you didn’t achieve this year. So, there would be a New Year resolution notepad too just like all the initial years. New Year Resolution is something which is followed hardly for a week or a month and not the whole year because suddenly you tend to believe that this plan won’t work for you or this is not what you are looking for or your ambitions are more important than this, etc. The reasons for your New Year Resolutions not to work are actually your excuses. But if you get some easy tips to make your New Year Resolutions work- won’t that be great?

Apart from planning your year-end party and sorting the New Year Gifts, also chalk out your new goals for 2019. Read some of the easy tips to make your New Year Resolutions work and see how beautiful life can be. If you follow these tips, you would surely become more confident of yourself.

Plan In Advance:

New Year Resolution is not something that you have to plan right on 31st December or announce it when it is only 15 seconds to go for 2019. See your life closely and check which departments need sweeping and gathering. Then plan in to improve that department. It can be traveling, reading, writing, or weight loss plan, etc. But plan by 10-15 days or a week before the New Year starts. And planning doesn’t just entail thinking. Go and buy stuff, gather those ingredients, and decorate your home- all that is required to achieve that goal.

Always Start With Baby Steps:

You must have heard that “Rome was not built in a day”. Apply that to your life too. You cannot break a mountain or cross a challenge in a single day because everything requires time. Even water needs to sit on the heat for 30 seconds to warm up and finally boil. So, start with baby steps and act smartly. For example, if weight loss is your ambition and you need to cut off the packaged food, firstly stop buying the chips, then the pizza, then cold drinks. In that way, things would be manageable.

Action Plan- In All Details

If your objective is to quit smoking or drinking, then instead of planning only 3 cigarettes or 2 pegs daily, try to focus on the things to do when you feel a craving to smoke or drink. Change your break timing, change your group of friends or colleagues with whom you take a break. So, outline the times of the day when you usually smoke or drink and in those times try to involve yourself in casual sports or something creative like painting or pottery.

Nurture A Habit:

Life is nothing more than just a habit. Why do you get up in the morning and brush your teeth? Or why do you want a glass of orange juice and bread as a breakfast? It’s all about a habit. Some habits have been fed to you while you were a child and that remains with you and some habits you have formed over the years while dealing with your life. So, when you have a New Year Resolution plan in your mind, eat, sleep, dream, and think about that only. After you get up in the morning, start thinking about that objective while brushing, bathing, or having breakfast. So, ultimately your actions for the day would project to that goal only.

No Need To Tell People:

Most of us do this – right? We tend to announce our New Year Resolutions to people. Please don’t do that if you want to accomplish a certain resolution. Because at the New Year Eve Party, everyone is in high spirits and they all cheer you up. So, you feel victorious even when the “resolution” is still a thought in the mind. So, the easy tip is – never ever tell people about your new resolution or goal. They will see the result when they meet you later.

Partner With Someone:

Partnering with someone is one of the best ideas to make your New Year Resolution work. Because you can then compete for excellence or track each other. When one is feeling demotivated, the other one can pull up the confidence. So, find that friend with the same goals and work together and smile together.

Be Positive:

There would be challenges in your way of attaining the New Year Resolutions. But it is all about your perspective that would decide whether you would stick to the game or not. So, with a few setbacks, don’t step aside. Staying positive is the keyword here. Don’t look more than once on these obstacles or count on the failures. Instead, enjoy the baby steps and small achievements on your way.

Track Your Progress:

While starting a new week, check what you achieved in the previous week. Track your progress well and work diligently towards the loopholes. Because see no one else but you would be the happiest person on this earth when you achieve the goal. So, be a strict teacher to yourself and track your progress. If you have achieved less in a week, try harder the next week and achieve a bit more.

Never Give Up:

The last but the most important tip is “Never Give Up”. Whatever comes your way, just deal with it in your way! Simply keep your vision clear towards your goal and believe that you can achieve it. If your aim is to “early morning exercise” and after seeing brilliant results in 4 months of the year, you cannot go back to sleep for the rest 8 months! If your resolution is to be more knowledgeable, and after reading books for 3 months, you cannot give up. Stick to your rules and see the difference in you after 12 months on the eve of New Year 2020!

So, start planning now about your resolutions so that with the birth of 2019, there is a new YOU. With a positive attitude, stick to your objectives and cherish the results on the next New Year Celebration.

Don’t forget to check our best New Year wishes online and share them with your loved ones.

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About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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