
7 ways to get a sure shot Yes on Propose Day

propose day special ideas

‘Yes’ might be a simple word in English vocabulary. But the importance of this word becomes huge when it is expected as a response to a proposal. If you are planning to propose to your girl this Propose Day, then you must be all jittery. After all, you want your proposal to be epic that your girl remembers her entire life. Well, let us help you take care of it. We are going to share with you some amazing proposal ideas that’ll help you get a sure shot ‘yes’ from her.

Propose On the Beach during Sunset

Propose On the Beach during Sunset

Watching the sunset with your beloved by your side is one of the most romantic moments. Make it more magical by proposing your girl on a beach right when the sun is going to set. The pink and orange hues in the sky will look like nature’s painting that will make the moment even more beautiful. This will surely melt your girl’s heart and you could witness ‘yes’ in her gorgeous smile.

Propose At the Place Where You First Met

Propose At the Place Where You First Met

Try and remember your first date. Yes, it was dreamy and romantic and you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the whole world. That was the day when you started your journey with your girl. And now you want to spend your entire life with her. Propose your girl at the same place you first met her. It will create a perfect nostalgic moment for her and she would definitely nod yes. 

Do It Old Gentleman Way


If your lady admires old school romance, then you got to propose her in the oldest way possible. Bend down on your knees with a red rose or a pretty ring in hand and propose her. Your charm and the perfect romantic setting will definitely sweep your girl off her feet. It will be a sure shot yes from her end.

Car Boot Proposal

Car Boot Proposal

Don’t be surprised if we tell you that you don’t even need a fancy place to propose your girl and do it right in the trunk of your car. Yes, decorate your car boot with heart-shaped balloons, gorgeous bouquet of red roses, and a cute string of ‘Will you marry me?’ Take your girl for a long drive to a beautiful place. Stop the car somewhere in the middle and ask her to get a random thing from the car boot. The moment she opens the car boot, the magic will begin to happen.

Propose while Hiking

Propose while Hiking

If both you and your girl are adventure junkies, then proposing while hiking is a great idea. Carry a backpack and go on a day-long adventure up to a high peak. Once you reach your destination, propose amidst the great views and a perfect backdrop. Your girl will be stunned. Such a romantic proposal will melt her heart and make it one of the biggest moments of her life. Of course, there will be ‘yes’ on the cards.

Propose With a Love Poem

propose with poem

If you have got creativity running in your blood, you should put it down into a love poem to propose your girl. Create a short poem that ends into a love proposal and give it to your girl. Let her read the poem and wait for her expression as she gets to the end part. You can take her smile as ‘yes’ for an answer.

Scratch Card Proposal

Scratch Card Proposal

Proposing can be stressful. How about you make it a little more fun? Well, a personalised scratch card is a unique and suspenseful way to propose your girl that will take the burden off your chest. Simply hand her the card and a scratcher tool to scratch. It will surely bring a smile on her face when she scratches off the surface and sees the question. Who wouldn’t say yes to such a creative proposal?

No matter how you propose your lady love, just make sure to put your heart and soul into it. We wish you all the best.

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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