Summer has its very own special way of making everything shine. When it comes to your garden and house plants, it can be a little tricky to retain that summer shine all around. But we bring to you all the information, you need to know to save that favourite rose plant of yours! The same rose plant which bloomed and looked vibrant in the springs, now seems to lose a little of its hue. You can bring them back to their glorious form and keep them the same way until the winters.
Here’s how you can make them bloom bright and smile in your garden:
Clean Up
Remove the dried and dead fallen leaves from around the base of the plant as they can make your plant rust or develop fungal diseases. Do not keep them in the compost heap. Trim all the dead or diseased leaves. Cut them just above the leaf joint, it is called Deadheading.
Fertilize your rose plant well. Encourage them to bloom and sustain. Their leaves drop in winters and until then, they must be fed. In frosty zones, the general rule is that you should stop feeding about two months before the first expected frost, otherwise you may encourage a flush of late growth, which is vulnerable to frost damage.
Keep the mulch intact and the roots well-insulated. However, if the old mulch is covered with the dead and diseased leaves, simply remove it all and re-lay a fresh layer. It helps in conserving moisture, improves the fertility of the soil and reduce weed growth.
Rose plants develop a very common disease, which appear on them in the form of black spots and yellowing leaves. Especially in the coastal areas with humid weather, it can be quite a pest during late summer and autumn. You must spray it with a rose fungicide and remove the affected leaves. Scale insects on the stems and branches should be sprayed with a horticultural oil, such as PestOil, and aphids clustered on new growth or flowers can be sprayed with any general-purpose garden insecticide.