Raksha Bandhan, the joyous celebration of the bond between siblings, is a time-honoured tradition in India. It is a day when brothers promise to protect their sisters, and sisters tie the sacred thread of love around their brothers’ wrists. However, as we become more conscious of our environmental impact, the traditional exchange of gifts during Rakhi is also evolving. So, this Raksha Bandhan, why not embrace the spirit of sustainability by gifting something green and eco-friendly? Here are the top 5 green gifts for Rakhi that will not only strengthen your bond but also contribute to a healthier planet.
Plantable Rakhi
Break away from conventional rakhis and opt for something like this truly unique plantable Rakhi. This rakhi is embedded with seeds that can be planted after the celebrations. As the plant grows, so will the memories of your special day.
Sneh Beads Rakhi with Money Plant
For a celebration that symbolises not just love but also prosperity, consider rakhi with plants like this Sneh beads rakhi paired with a money plant. The beads on this Rakhi add a touch of tradition while the money plant reminds your brother that you wish him abundance and success.
Sneh Bal Krishna Rakhi with Syngonium Plant
Combine spirituality and eco-friendliness with this Sneh Bal Krishna Rakhi and Syngonium Plant. The rakhi featuring Lord Krishna signifies blessings and protection & the Syngonium plant, with its lush green leaves, will not only purify the air but also remind your brother of your evergreen bond.
Sneh Rakhi with Two-Layer Lucky Bamboo
Lucky Bamboo is a popular symbol of good fortune in many Asian cultures. So, this Sneh Rakhi paired with a two-layer lucky bamboo plant is a thoughtful gift that wishes your brother double the luck and happiness. Thus, the next time you order online rakhi, don’t forget to check out this amazing combo.
Sneh Pearl Rakhi with Jade Plant
Pearls represent purity, and this Sneh pearl rakhi embodies this sentiment beautifully. Further paired with a jade plant, known for its healing properties and positive energy. This Rakhi and plant combo signifies not only the purity of your sibling bond but also your wish for your brother’s well-being.
In the fast-paced world we live in, taking a moment to consider the impact of our choices is essential. This Rakhi, let’s celebrate the bond between siblings while also showing love for our planet by choosing green, eco-friendly gifts. As we choose these green gifts, we are not just promising protection and care to our siblings, but also to Mother Earth. It’s a beautiful way to align tradition with sustainability, reminding us that our bonds are like the plants we nurture – they grow stronger with love, care, and time. So, this Rakhi, let’s celebrate not only the thread that ties us together but also the planet that sustains us. Happy Raksha Bandhan!